RECRUITMENT FOR THE COMPETITION IS COMPLETED




announces a contest


 for the best business model for an innovative venture
within a  project called  "StartUPP! PULS"

co-financed by the US Embassy and Consulate in Poland

Announcement of December 30, 2022

The Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer informs that the deadline for submitting application forms for the competition announced on December 1, organized as part of the project "StartUPP! PULS". The new deadline is January 12.


Announcement of December 16, 2022

The Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer informs that the deadline for submitting application forms for the competition announced on December 1, organized as part of the project "StartUPP! PULS". The new deadline is December 31.

The competition is addressed to PULS students and doctoral students and is based on recruiting  five 3-person teams that will build business models for selected technologies being the intellectual property of the Poznań University of Life Sciences.

During the five month course the teams will be guided by experts from CIiTT preparing business models and acting like startups. The work will be conducted in a form of workshops, each team is guaranteed 6 meetings with experts. In addition, the teams will have the opportunity to hold individual consultations with the project manager and consultations with an entrepreneurship expert and a practitioner of the startup environment from the USA.

The goal of the teams will be to develop the best possible business model and present it in a 5-minute pitch in front of the jury on the final Demo Day. The jury will consist of PULS experts and business partners.

The authors of the three best rated business models will be handed tangible rewards.


      Feel like a young academic startup and compete with your colleagues from the university!

      Show us the business potential of our academic community!

      Learn how to plan the implementation of an innovative project!

      Learn how to prepare a pitch presentation and perform in front of the jury!


Our competition is an amazing opportunity to learn about the technology transfer process from a different perspective and to exchange experiences on science-business cooperation.

The application form and the overall guide on the competition are available on the CiITT’s website in the project tab "StartUPP! PULS”: link..

Join us in the great adventure!


The CIiTT team


Competition documents:

- Regulations of the competition in the project "StartUPP! PULS"

- Application for participation in the competition in the project "StartUPP! PULS"


Centrum Innowacji i Transferu Technologii
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
Kolegium Rungego
ul. Wojska Polskiego 52
60-627 Poznań
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Logo Fundusze Europejskie Inteligentny Rozwój Logo Rzeczpospolita Polska Logo Unia Europejska Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego
Projekt „Inkubator Innowacyjności 4.0” jest współfinansowany ze środków finansowych na naukę w ramach projektu pozakonkursowego „Wsparcie zarządzania badaniami naukowymi i komercjalizacja wyników prac B+R w jednostkach naukowych i przedsiębiorstwach”, realizowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020 (Działanie 4.4).
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